We Are ActOn Finishing Ltd – Industrial Finishing Specialists 


Our History

Established in 1965 as a UK leading family business, of industrial finishing specialists, at ActOn Finishing Ltd we’ve worked hard to design, develop and manufacture mass finishing technology of high standard. We cater to a wide range of industries such as additive manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, coin blanking, forgings and castings, fashion, general engineering, hospitality and medical. At ActOn Finishing Ltd our team of experts have developed tailored surface finishing solutions for customers around the world.


ActOn Finishing first opened its doors.


The business became very successful after winning important London-based client, Hoover. They used ActOn’s chemical compounds to polish aluminium parts on vacuum cleaners


It was around this time that we saw the opportunity to create our very own finishing machinery. The first prototypes were the trough range, which were then introduced to the Jaguar Engine Plant based in Radford, Coventry. This milestone led to the development of automatic bowl machines.


From 1980, we began exporting products overseas. One Swedish aluminium casting company bought 10 machines and compound consumables in one order! On top of this, 1980 saw us employ our first sales rep, which led to the growth of an impressive sales team.


A year of big change and excitement, as we opened our doors to new Managing Director, Sandeep Gulati.


ActOn gain approval for ISO 9001.


ActOn enter into the Aerospace industry and work with Rolls Royce commenced.


We implemented ISO 14001, proving ActOn’s commitment to the environment.


The ActOn barrelling facility expands to make way for new business.


We gained approval to process engine parts for A350 XWB.


Expansion into India with a sales office set up in Bangalore.


ActOn gained additional process approvals for aerospace engine parts.


In 2013, we designed and manufactured a highly improved and automated billet handling system for a leading UK-based company.


ActOn expand into the Indian market and the setup of a manufacturing facility in Pune, India.


Sid Gulati joins the family business, following his graduation from Coventry University with a degree in Automotive Engineering.


ActOn rebrands to help drive their innovation for the future.


ActOn wins contract for mass finishing Turbine Blades and Nozzle Guide Vanes (the contract includes CMM and Ultrasonic measurement).


ActOn Finishing Ltd partnerships with Cogeim Italy to distribute wheel blasting technology in UK.

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15491 SW 12th St Suite 405
Sunrise, Florida 33326, USA
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+1 954 530 8277salesamerica@acton-finishing.com