Polymer and Metal Finishing Solutions

for Industries we redefine

We are leading experts in designing and developing machinery and consumables for metal finishing

and polymers for a variety of industries. Working with major manufacturers from industries has allowed us

to constantly improve the process efficiency and to offer our customers cost-effective and repeatable solutions.

Discover our surface finishing for polymer and metal finishing, for a wide range of industries

Additive Manufacturing for Metals

Discover our surface finishing for polymer and metal finishing, for a wide range of industries

Additive Manufacturing for Polymers

Discover our surface finishing for polymer and metal finishing, for a wide range of industries


Discover our surface finishing for polymer and metal finishing, for a wide range of industries


Discover our surface finishing for polymer and metal finishing, for a wide range of industries

Coin Blanking

Discover our surface finishing for polymer and metal finishing, for a wide range of industries

Forgings and Castings

Discover our surface finishing for polymer and metal finishing, for a wide range of industries


Discover our surface finishing for polymer and metal finishing, for a wide range of industries

General Engineering

Discover our surface finishing for polymer and metal finishing, for a wide range of industries


Discover our surface finishing for polymer and metal finishing, for a wide range of industries


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ActOn Finishing USA

15491 SW 12th St Suite 405
Sunrise, Florida 33326, USA
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+1 954 530 8277salesamerica@acton-finishing.com